Fun Games
425000 / Pax
Recreation Program
Recreational activity in which the whole activity is a collection of various simple games, full of togetherness and fun. DETAIL PROGRAM Rp.425.000,...
Program Details
Adults High Ropes
450000 / Pax
Recreation Program
Activities at an altitude of between 6 to 10 meters with several track / zone to test the adrenaline and motor strength and daring someone to more qui...
Program Details
Paintball & Fun Games
445000 / Pax
Recreation Program
DETAIL PROGRAM Rp.445.000,-/Pax (exclude tax and service) Paint Ball 30 bullets Fun games Coffee Break 2x Lunch Buffet 1x ...
Program Details
Camping Adult
650000 / Pax
Recreation Program
DETAIL PROGRAM CAMPING WISATA ALAM SENTUL Rp. 650.000,-/Pax (exclude tax and service) Camp 2 Days 1 Night Outbound High Ropes Fun Games Co...
Program Details
Archery War
435000 / Pax
Recreation Program
A program designed to do battle with the seriousness of using media archery. The program is designed already prioritize safety and security as well as...
Program Details