Kids Army
390000 / Pax
Education Program
Activities that are shot in one day with kids army uniforms, for a minimum age of 5 years s / d 10 years with its activities must pass through three z...
Program Details
Kids High Ropes
355000 / Pax
Education Program
For the lil’ adventurer! Activity using a medium high rope between poles to the pole with the station tracks and different types with 2 meters h...
Program Details
Camping Kids
625000 / Pax
Education Program
DETAIL PROGRAM CAMPING WISATA ALAM SENTUL Rp. 625.000,-/Pax (exclude tax and service) Camp 2 Days 1 Night Outbound High Ropes Fun Games Co...
Program Details
Wisata Budaya Program
290000 / Pax
Education Program
DETAIL PROGRAM Rp.290.000,-/Pax (exclude tax and service) Welcome Drink Traditional Games Flying Fox Kite Painting or Batik Lunch Box Ma...
Program Details